I’m in the market for a good framing nailer. The only nailer I’ve ever used is my Senco SFN40 finish nailer.
From previous post it seems like Hitachi wins the catagory in the framing nailer line. Anyone more familar with Senco’s nailers. I’ve never had to service my sfn40 yet. Looking for a full round head framing nailer with great line of sight and good when toenailing.
Love to hear your opinions or recommendations? Considering the Hitachi, Senco and Bostich line.
If you want a nail starter buy a SN60, if you want a framing nailer buy a Hitachi or Makita.
*Got a hitachi full head nailer only because it would take the same nail as an old duofast I have.
*I bought a new Bostich 88WW the awhile back, I hear they have a full head version too. Not a requirment so I do not know for sure. Used a ton of Sencos and a few Hitachis with the exception of toenailing I'd reach for the Bostich everytime!!! Takes some getting used to to make it toenail just right. Just my opinion.WTN
*john,I think the biggest thing to consider when buying a gun is how it fits YOUR hand . if you will be using it all day, the width of the handle and how your fingers reach the trigger must be right, or you will soon dislike the gun, and risk injury as well. I have found that brand loyalty is fine, but the functionality of the tool is important too. I have a bostitch coil nailer, and use a bostich stick nailer regularly. I prefer the coil gun, first because it gets in more places due to shorter length, and second because you reload less often.
*Anyone else like coil framers? The Duofast coil nailer we use gets no complaints.The nails are plastic colated and they're durable, that is if you drop them or the case pops open you might have to pull a dislodged nail or two off but besides that it's got great balance.It could use a depth set restrictor or whatever thats called besides turning down the air pressure at the compressor.Do the coil framers balance out for wall framing or do they strain the wrist?
*Paslode Powermaster Plus! And....that coming from hands that are most comfortable with the Senco SNF40. The paslode isn't full head....but they have those goofy stacked/kinda full head nails. Haven't used a whole bunch of others.....but I like what I have now.....and the new lower price can't be beat. $299 everywhere.....and tool crib had them for even less. Light/powerful/comfy. I like it. Jeff
*Ditto Jeff's recommendation on the Paslode...... I've had nothing but good luck with my P/M. Those Hitachis look..... Unfinished. Sam
*Paslode, Paslode, and um.... Paslode. Love that orange!
*What the last three guys said. Sam i didn't jump ship after all.jim
*Gotta agree with Jeff, Sam ,Mike ,and Jim.....just cant beat the Paslode
*Haven't used the Paslode, but I like my Makita and have used a lot of Hitachis. Also used the older model Senco--big heavy sucker that can also nail into concrete. Heavy sucker. Too heavy.
*On that duofast coil nailer i refered to, i left out it's an 8 gun not a framer. I like it and was asking if any one would vouch for a coil framer. Are they better balanced than stick nailers and as durable and jamb free? Any coil framer.
*Paslode...and Haubold RN-90 still going strong after building a many docks in use under water.Under the stream,aj
*I would only use Paslode, Paslode, or Paslode. Not that I'm biased or anything. Price is right, very comfortable, very light, never jams. Absolutely love it. My old boss had Duofast, which I now proudly use as a secondary anchor for my fishing boat. Gotta love clip head nails too. No more plastic flying in your eyes or nostrils. Nanuk.
*Dear John,Service, service, service.You need a local guy to fix the gun when it breaks. If you have to mail it off for four weeks that is time you are hand nailing, not working or using the new gun you just bought to replace it. different types of guns wear differently. framing guns take the most wear.If your in a metro area you get to choose.TGW
*One more thing...any experiance nailing into LVL.I'll be nailing LVL quite a bit
*crank up the regulator on the pumper and you're good to go. just don't over do it!jim
*LVLs are to be nailed with 20s...or at least standard built up beams are. Who owns a gun the shoots standard 20s?near the stream,aj
*Paslode, although I have a Bostich N80 coil nailer that I use a lot too. But loaded with nails its a heavy bitch. Scott
*Senco, Senco, Senco
*My $.02, DUO FAST CN350! LVL's no prob, toe nailing no prob,reliability,no prob. I should mention the 2 I own are 18 yrs old[the gold ones] and I do my own maint/repairs. I framed in Fla for quite a while an the CN350 was used for shooting case hardend nails as well as reg framing. Drives like it should and hits solid every time. My second choice[if nesc] would be the Hitachi only because of the abuse I see them take up here in the Raleigh NC area by the Border Patrol framers[?] they hire up here. NO FLAME/SLAM just my observation
*Hey George, are you having any problems with the driver in your gun? The one in my duofast,the threads on the driver keep stripping, more than I think it should.
*Duofast offers free repairs in my area if you take it in. They have to. The guns are trash.Paslode.I've had mine for years and never had to take one for a repair.Paslode. Senco if you just have to spend a lot of money.Ed.
*I bought the new Bostich N88w this spring, wow! am I ever glad I did. It's light (magnesium) and the most powerful son-of a beach in the game. LVL's? Hah! it laughs at them. I can contersink 16 penny 3 1/2 inch ring shanks into oak! Dried white oak! It's got a 1000 ft. pds. impact when most of the others are at 750 to 800. I never liked cranking up a compressor to try to compensate for a weak gun. sooner or later you're going to be at the end of a too long air hose and the pressure won't be there. that's when the big dogs bark! Yes paslode has nice service, yes Hitachi's guns are light, yes senco's are old favorites, and Yes the Bostich is the big dog!
*Not that I'm a "expert" on DUO FAST but I do my own maint for all the obvious reasons,it would seem that whom ever is installing the drivers is torquing it a tad tight. The shock of the action is transmitted thru and causing the failure.I also use a new ny-loc nut when I replace the driver. As I stated I shot lots of case hards with mine and NEVER broke a driver. I don't know which series you have;GOLD[older],BLUE [crappyIMHO],or the latest.Hope this helps as we all choose what we are comfortable with. defination of expert; ex- has been spurt-dribble under pressure GEO
*Frenchy,....1000 INCH pounds
*Went out today to buy some DuoFast nails for the last remaining member on my crew that uses DuoFast. It's a long drive to the DuoFast store even in big city terms. I don't like that. It's an hour round trip in the truck for me and I'm still in the city limits.However, DuoFast is gone. Bought out by Paslode. The store here is discontinuing the DouFast nail line to sell Senco. He had eight boxes of 2 1/2 15g in calvanized left. When they are gone, he said that's it.About time.I told my employee to take his gun home with this one box of nails I bought him, and I would furnish him a PC nail gun until he finds what he wants. He said he wants to buy Senco. Good choice.Ed.
*John,Try Hart's 25oz "The Framer", handles any nail known to man. Mine's 15 years old and haven't had a single problem with it. Paid $15 for it as I recall.b :)DanoP.S. Made in the USA, too.
I'm in the market for a good framing nailer. The only nailer I've ever used is my Senco SFN40 finish nailer.
From previous post it seems like Hitachi wins the catagory in the framing nailer line. Anyone more familar with Senco's nailers. I've never had to service my sfn40 yet. Looking for a full round head framing nailer with great line of sight and good when toenailing.
Love to hear your opinions or recommendations? Considering the Hitachi, Senco and Bostich line.