What’s your KWH’s per month?
Mine’s ranged from 408 to 775, which seems very high considering we try to be careful about energy use and our house is not large (small raised ranch). We do have electric range, water heater, dryer, and backup heat.
We don’t use the electric heat much, probably average 1 to 3 KWH/day. Mostly our heat is propane space heaters (Monitor/Rennai).
There’s only two of us. Most of our lights are CFD’s. Fridge is newish and doesn’t seem to run excessively. Are our numbers normal or do they seem high?
Just looked..YIKES! 1193 or about 3$ a day.
That is ele space heating last month and I am running the shop more than normal.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
"Success is not spontaneous combustion, you have to set yourself on Fire"
You might want to look into balancing your load. Electrician friend of mine told me that PoCo meters bill on the higher useage of the two lines feeding your meter. If most of the load you use in the house is on one of the two busses in your main service panel, you can be paying more than you should by as much as 20%.
Check amperage on each of the lines in the evening when the house is lighted normally and normal assortment of 110V motor-driven devices are in use (fridge, freezer, fans etc). If amperage on one main feed is higher than the other. you want to shift one or more of the in-use circuits from breakers on the high side to the low side so as to balance out the load.
Don't bother with 220V circuits since they pull from both busses anyway, so they are already balanced.
You might want to look into balancing your load. Electrician friend of mine told me that PoCo meters bill on the higher useage of the two lines feeding your meter. If most of the load you use in the house is on one of the two busses in your main service panel, you can be paying more than you should by as much as 20%.
No way.
DONT KNOW KWH, My bill usually run about $45 a month, last month it was $19. wasnt cold or hot
1167 Kwh @ $.1086 per Kwh, plus delivery charge = $162.52 . . . thanks to deregulation, my bill has gone up 150% in 2 years!Jason
For December: 781 kWh @ $.11 = $85.91
92 Therms of NG @$.97 = $89.24
Add in various delivery charges not included in pricing, and taxes, it comes out about $190
Man I wish !
All Electric house, 1600 sq. ft.
Elect. cable ceiling heat.
I have done just about all one can do to this house to tighten it up and conserve as well.
Good news for me is I only pay .04 a KW
This is good info, makes me want to look more closely at our energy usage. Ours is roughly 1000 kwh in the summer and 2000 kwh in the winter in the relatively mild-winter Seattle area. We use wood for heat (wood stove plus pellet stove in basement). Some extra energy drains would be the hot tub and the shop is heated with a small oil-filled space heater. Also we have quite a few halogen lights on dimmers (can't really handle compact fluorescents). There is a well and septic pump.Our house is about 1200 sq/ft floor plan but there is a partially finished attic which is only closed off with a curtain and we have a full basement and a lot of windows and skylights.
.04/ kwh ? Boy are you guys lucky. We're getting screwed in NJ, ours goes to about .19/.20/kwh in the summer.
Yeah, I didn't mention the *pain* of life in NJ - where are you located?Jeff
We're in Tewksbury, you?
gorgeous town that princeton.enjoying the T shirt weather?
Yup 65 both yesterday and today ;o)Jeff
3540 sq. ft. counting 1600 ft. shop. Two occupants, all electric. Just got my highest power bill in 7 years, 1288 kwh/mth. $108.00
It would indeed be a tragedy if the history of the human race proved to be nothing more than the story of an ape playing with a box of matches on a petrol dump. ~David Ormsby Gore
About 36 kwh per month. (That's not a misprint.) But I'm off-grid, and I make my electricity with a photovoltaic array. Not much electricity available, so I conserve.
I'm jealous, the last time mine was that low was when I was living on the boat.
Last year mine was less than half of this years, my old friend from California moved into my basement and thinks 72 degrees is below the freezing point of human arse.------------------------------------
It would indeed be a tragedy if the history of the human race proved to be nothing more than the story of an ape playing with a box of matches on a petrol dump. ~David Ormsby Gore
2 Houses, one occupied with oil heat. @$3.259 p gal
$.2176 pkwh
Did some one say I'm not having fun?
Hi Eleft and All,
The way I figure the cost of KWH is take the grand total of the bill which includes all kinds of surcharges and taxes minus your late charge, now divide it by the KWH and This is the true cost of your KWH. Eleft, the true cost per KWH on your bill is 34.8224 per KWH. Now go turn out some more lights and switch from the 54" TV to a 4" model :-). It is amazing how those watts add up and most of all, how the power companies try to dupe us on how low the cost of electricity is. They haven't heard yet about truth in marketing.
You could have saved $3.16 if you'd a paid the bill on time.
well I'll punish myself by not watching Oprah tomorrow on my 42" TV, that should make up the 3.15 for next months bill.
between nine and twelve hundred.
Welcome to the
Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
where ...
Excellence is its own reward!
617 this dec. which is the average monthly usage.
5.6 cents / kwhr. Add the delivery etc charges........72.66.
2700, gas boiler w/WH, /gas dryer, range,
A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
just paid it today - REMC - from 11/19 to 12/20, 2280KW, $283.58 - looks like a little over $.10/KW average, but there is a formula so the first bit of electricity is more expensive - - too much, but it is for a farm - commercial (3ph) refrigeration, elect hot water, elect dryer, wood shop -
it should go down next month, I'm not running commercial refrigeration any more this season - last year it was about 1200KW jan thru may, 1700 in june and july, high of 4300 in august-sept-oct as I'm cooling fruit -
I need a modern fridge for the house - I'd put a watt monitor on it, but I don't want to know....
Just now paying for 11/14-12/17 used 350 KWH. My monthly average is 1192 KWH.
I've got about 1680 sf. I've insulated walls, new roof, new thermal windows, them new fangled lights everywhere now and weather seals on all exterior doors. So far all has helped last year at this time I used 1558 KWH but I was using a different heater out in the greenhouse. That was a learning experience.
I do feel switching out the lights really made a difference but there regular in the front bath due to my wife's insistence for incandescent, says shows colors better when she does her make-up. Now when the time comes there's the place where I could reduce from 6@65watts to 6@9watts but she won't let me do it yet.
paying .11 per KWH
Edited 1/3/2008 3:17 pm by jagwah
Sounds like your home heat is electric. If that's the case, the inefficient lights don't hurt you this time of year - their "waste" is heat - at the same efficiency as your baseboard.
They do cost you during the summer (almost double if you're using AC)
Nope we've natural gas. It was an electric heater we used last year in the green house.
Good point.Remodeling Contractor just on the other side of the Glass City
I average 826. Gas heat and hot water. Everything else electric including clothes dryer..
Edited 1/3/2008 4:46 pm ET by MarkH
1900 kW-hrs or so per month when someone at home all month, 4 T heat pump, 5300 sq ft, Seattle area. 9 cents kWhr this year on PSE, close to 20% jump from last year.
Drops to about 10 kWhrs per day (300 kWhrs month) when we leave and shut off the elec water heater and heat set at 40F, just the clocks and refrigeration running.
Kept a fire going when it was under 25F in early Dec., saved about $5 a day. DW says you spend 1/2 hour feeding the thing and how much do you make a minute <G>?
Usually under 400--unless it's summer and the a/c is running.
974 KWH, $138.
1665 on 5500 SF ... gas heat/passive hw, gas cooktop/dryer.
all elec mfgd home @ 1450 sf,
separate bldg for apt and shop (also all elec) @ 800sf,
well/pump, 2 people, fireplace(not insert) for aesthetics/enjoyment
- 1700 kwh @ $0.058 plus tax/surchrgs, PNW coast....about $100.
May - Sept avg about 550 kwh
...The unspoken word is capital. We can invest it or we can squander it. -Mark Twain...Be kind to your children....they will choose your nursing home....aim low boys, they're ridin' shetland ponies !!
Edited 1/8/2008 12:42 am by oldbeachbum
November 2007, 30 days:
1189 KWH @ .08642 = $102.75
additional fees/surcharges = $49.75
Electric 50 gal hot water, dryer, range
1400 s.f. plus basement 50's ranch
Thanks everyone for your input. Sounds like my bill isn't so high after all.
Now we just have to move to the PNW to take advantage of your low rates!
We average 900-1000 kwhs per month for about ten months per year.
In a cold snowy month (December of 06 comes to mind) it might double that (passive solar home).
Our electric usage includes: hot water, supplemental heat, elec range, two frig's, deep freeze, shop tool use, and the big one, elec heat enough to keep the 700 sqr ft shop around 40-50*.
Our house is about 2400 sqr ft of heated space plus the detached shop.
We also burn about 3/4 cord of firewood per year.
"Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."
~ Voltaire
1118, mid Nov to mid Dec. 2000 sq ft split entry (raised ranch?). Two people. Four computers. Electric water heater & range, gas heat.
Edited 1/9/2008 9:58 pm by DanH
650 to 2544 KWH per 30 day period. We pay $.075 to $.123/KWH for power. 1,800 split foyer with EL heat pump, EL stove, EL water heater.
Jon Blakemore
RappahannockINC.com Fredericksburg, VA
I WIN! (?)
This mo bill, 3422,
Last mo 2162.
If it weren't dirt cheap-.036 to .038 ater rate adj, it would eat my lunch. All elec. with 4 kids and about 30loads of laundry per week keeps the meter smokin as it spins!
Holy kwh batman! thats cheap. where do you live ?
Yeah its dirt cheap. I live in north central Nebraska. We are a public power state that does a good job of marketing and remarketing power in a multistate pact. Our small town also has 6 fair size generators that are called on during peak loads and the power they generate is sold back thru the grid, including the price of the natural gas to run them. Our town was also pretty progressive many years ago when they built the system and we've had almost no significant expense on rebuilding the system. OTOH, we've been pretty complacent, and soon we are going to have to start rebuilding and upgrading at significant expense, but who knows when that will happen.
Got my bill today. 1765 kWh; 11-21 through 12-20. Gone a few days of that. $0.08 / kWh.
2 small, one large ref/freezer; 1 freezer only. elec and gas driers, two washers. gas HWHs and stoves. electric ovens. two gas furnaces, (1) 4-T heat pump.
My shop, the most important thing! small AC/heat pump.
Listing like this, maybe we got too much stuff.
"...maybe we got too much stuff."ain't that the truth! - - and I want more! - - dunno - I just did a rough count and I've got at least 22 gasoline engines for which I'm directly responsible - - tho I'm not sure i have as much horsepower as represented in your one hot rod - - "there's enough for everyone"
2100 average for the past year, at $0.066 (for the last bill).
3 people, 2500 sq ft, 3 computers, a fridge for the keg in the garage, and a walk-in cooler outside used ~2 months a year for hanging deer. Heat extensively, but not exclusively, with wood. Wife likes the AC in the summer.