where do single and double garage doors go?

New house being planned. Garage is at the front of the house but faces sideways. driveway straight from the street goes up a semisteep grade, then at the house the garages which are attached to the house, on the street side of the house, are on your left, and you thereby turn hard left to go drive into the garages.
garage will have a single door, and a double door.
which size door is closer to the street, and which is closer to the house.
whats the logic of thinking used to determine where they go?
seems the double door would go closest to the street?
Depends, do you intend on parking three cars or does your wife get two spaces and you one? If you plan on parking three cars, it will be marginally easier to park with the double door first but not by much. The first car in the double (from the street) is still going to have to jerk around some to get into the space. The second car in the double should be able to drive right in (from my experience without backing and jacking around. If you are going to only park one car in the double, then its golden time for that car just pull right in. Depending on how much room you have from the front of the door to the edge of the drive, you may or may not be able to pull right into the single care garage when it is furthest from the street. Honestly, it all depends too on the turning radius on the car/van/truck/suv you drive and as I mentioned on the width of the lot and the distance from the door to the end of the pad that connects with the drive. If you have a narrow lot (and thus a short pad, you are going to be doing a lot of backing and pulling forward regardless.
In short I think you woul dbe better off with the double first.
'being planned'
Change the plan for the doors to face the street. Guy down the block has sideways garage, but he also has about 100 ft to swing and turn.
Logic: Pi$$ on style, go for practicality.
More logic:
That there 'hard turn' sound like a disaster waiting foy whe you have teenagers - one son hit the wall and knocked it off footing (about 30 years ago), last year grand-daughter ran her car into the closed garage door.
Guess who go to repair both instances?
Yeah, you need to think about a bunch of things. Turning radii is one important factor, and that depends a lot on which vehicle will be in which slot. And generally the two cars in the double slot will be closer togther, so "pedestrian" flow is a consideration. And you may want the car that's used most frequently to be behind the single door, etc.
You can't lose with this.......
make it easy on your wife.
I agree about making it easy on the Wife.
Good one
Depends on who wears the pants in the family.
Ladies and gentleman, The Man Song!
He's the man. He's the man.
I don't take no crap from anybody else...
but you
I wear the pants around here...
when I finish with your laundry
Cos I'm a guy you don't wanna fight...
when I say "jump", you say "yeah right"
Cos I'm the man of this house...
until you get home
He's the man. He's the man.
When I say goes around here...
right out the window
But I don't wanna hear a lot of whining...
so I'll shut up
The sooner you learn who's boss around here...
the sooner you can give me my orders, dear
Cos I'm head honcho around here...
but it's all in my head
He's the man. He's the man.
And I can have sex anytime...
that you want
Cos I'm a man who has needs...
but they're not that important
And don't expect any flowers from me...
cos if I'm not mistaken, you prefer jewelry
I'm the king of my castle...
when you're not around
He's the man. He's the man.
And I'll drink and watch sports...
whenever I wanna get in trouble
And I'll come home, when I'm good and ready...
to sleep on the couch
Cos a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do...
and I'm gonna do what you tell me to
Because I'm top dog around here...
but I've been neutered
He's the man. He's the man!
You the man!