Once again my limited experience is gonna show, I’m afraid. I have someone who wants to install a larger window in a part of the house which is going to be very difficult to access without more elaborate staging than I have used. Is there a technique that can be used for doing the entire install from the inside? (I have installed windows, both replacement and new, FWIW)
Thanks for any suggestions…
As long as it's an opening window yer good to go , otherwise you might need to tack a longer handle on yer hammer....ha..
So is the opening's large enough to work through, you think I can do all the typical exterior stuff from the inside, leaning out?
you can simplify installation by removing any sashes to make the unit lighter, and lift the window out and set it from the inside.
But I think you'll still have to do some work from the outside, like flash the window head, patch any siding, and deal with any exterior casings ( if not already installed)
That's about what I thought Shep, thanks. I just didn't know if anyone had any secret voodoo methods that eliminated that...(must be in issue 153 ;) )
Unless its new construction I install all my windows from the inside. Suction cups definitely help. The exeterior work of water proofing and trim can then be done from a ladder.
That's what I figured M... I was just hoping that in this particular case there might be a system I wasn't familiar with. Thanks for the input...
I'm still waiting for a carpenter's jet pack to be invented for jobs like that.
It'll probably come out right after I retire.
I knew I should've gotten my chopper license...
Pella for sure, andersen I think, and many moons ago, Marvin ...........have/had an installation clip that you use instead of fins to mount normal new construction windows from the inside. Some clips snap into the groove loose fins go into. However, I've always screwed them to the jamb. Dealing with flashing and waterproofing from the outside is of course necessary. I use the clips when retrofitting window and patio doors to a brick veneered house. They allow me to set the unit from the inside with no chance of watching it fall out......All the fastening is done inside.
Of course, many wood window manufacturers have replacement units that are fastened like vinyl replacement windows, with screws through the jambs.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Edited 10/25/2004 8:32 pm ET by calvin
If you are going to have someone else install the window, what difference does it make about the staging? That was part of your question! When you say "larger" I'm assuming that you don't mean larger than the existing opening once the old window comes out. Right?
Installation includes all the flashing, sealing, molding, caulking, painting and siding (unless brick) work necessary. What's the worry? Tyr
Someone else is installing this window? Tyr
Ummm no Tyr... If I was having someone else install it, I'd just write the check ;) Someone is asking me to install a window that is larger than the one they have now...
Edited 10/26/2004 4:15 pm ET by PaulB