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This floating home maximizes its waterfront location with seamless indoor-outdoor living, a unique two-story layout, and a design that prioritizes light and views.
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Cool, I have allways liked wolfs. Even have a wolf tattoo.
Where there's a will, there are 500 relatives
My kind of work environment..........you're blessed to be there........
Yes, we try to remember that when everything is going wrong:)
Very cool...........Unless your the prey.:)
Got a link to your remote cabin build? Somehow I've missed it.
There are a few 106358.35 & 108718.49 - plus a few others all a bit old already. I should start a new thread to update.
Thanks Yes start another thread. Next summer or a little later we plan on buying a piece of land and building a remote cabin. So you have all my attention.
Don't do it! :)
In retirement I plan to write a book! We are now 5 years into it & just got the frame up this summer. Broken bones, microburst windstorm (like a tornado), 2 boats sunk off the end of the dock, a forest fire, underground artesian spring under the building footprint, green lumber delivered in error, framing errors galor, drunk insulation installers........just a few of the stories. About the only thing we have not yet encountered are black bears (knock on wood)
Seriously, I guess it depends on the scope of your project , your skill level, and availability of good trades. While we helped build my parents remote in the early 80's, this project has been way more challenging than we ever anticipated. We've have learned a lot along the way and made every mistake in the book. By the way, how deep are your pockets? Remote is the ultimate money pit.
I'm planning on doing an off the grid weekend cabin. Simple structure, no frills, conveniances outside. I caught a glimpse of some property about an hour or so South of here. I have to research it more. According to what I was told by a hiker who stumbled on it it's not on a topo map or even acknowledged. Kind of passed over. That's just one option who knows where I'll land. I don't plan on getting fancy, and don't plan on hiring any of it out.
There is a Canuck, Les Stroud, who does the Surivorman Tv show here, who documented his family building a remote off the grid place.
Keep it simple is good (we didn't) not hiring out is good (but we had to)
That was a great show! I think he only shot the one show though, I was hoping for a followup.
Like Gunner mentioned, I'm also planning an off-the-grid cabin. It was cool to watch someone go though it...and with a sense of humor no less.
Of course, I'll also have to shoot a tv show during, so my subs will donate some t/m for the publicity...
Edited 12/13/2008 1:31 pm by deadman1
I like Les. And I heard about his off the grid show. I'm assuming that's a link to it that you posted. I'll check it out thanks.
I'm bringing sexy back.
This guy is the ultimate off the grid dude. His vintage film is very good and his skills seem unlimited. Richard Proenneke
Small wheel turn by the fire and rod, big wheel turn by the grace of god.
Edited 12/14/2008 12:42 pm by ruffmike
Alone in the wilderness was just on last weekend on PBS here part of their fundraising drive. Always good.
I'm bringing sexy back.
I've often how I would hold up in the wildrness, never been out there for more than ten days. Proably end up like that "Ino the Wild" guy. Mike
Small wheel turn by the fire and rod, big wheel turn by the grace of god.
or that guy from that bear movie. what was that, "grizzly man?"
I was reading today about the Italian that was trying to row the Pacific and finaly gave up. He said that his craving for sweets was driving him crazy. Said he was gonna eat every sweet in town. That would probably be me.LOL
I'm bringing sexy back.
Into the wild, and the grizzly man...When did this society begin deciding that being a total and unmitigated idiot... Makes you a hero ?
Just because they want to make it personal,
doesn't mean you have to take it personal.
I didn't declare him a hero, just admited I would may not fare well in the great outdoors. Mike
Small wheel turn by the fire and rod, big wheel turn by the grace of god.
It didn't even occur to me that my post would be taken that way.Yikes !I didn't mean it to look like I thought you were calling him a hero.You were making a point. I was making a point.Obviously, I should have done a better job.Please accept my apology for the misunderstanding.=0)As for my point... They made the movies about those two guys. The movies tried to make them seem like some kind of heros. People ate it up. When all they were, were idiots who ignored what everyone else was telling them, and got themselves killed.
Just because they want to make it personal,
doesn't mean you have to take it personal.
Overly defensive on my part, no apology needed. I just wanted to clarify that I am no Jeramiah Johnson.
Here is a real hero,they say this guy could actually talk to the animals!
View Image Mike
Small wheel turn by the fire and rod, big wheel turn by the grace of god.
I talk to the animals all the time.I don't think they pay any attention.In fact, I think they laugh about me behind my back.But I talk to them anyway.
Just because they want to make it personal,
doesn't mean you have to take it personal.
" this here gun kilt the Barr that kilt me".
"After the laws of Physics, everything else is opinion" -Neil deGrasse Tyson
If Pasta and Antipasta meet is it the end of the Universe???
<When did this society begin deciding that being a total and unmitigated idiot... Makes you a hero ?>
I don't know that they were portrayed as heroic. crazy, more like. And tragically misguided (or idiotic, if you prefer) But fascinating to watch, like someone going over Niagara Falls in a barrell.
The real footage in Grizzly Man was simply unbelievable.
"like someone going over Niagara Falls in a barrell."Or being unable to look away from a bear wreck...
Just because they want to make it personal,
doesn't mean you have to take it personal.
Except.... until the ice road gets in, we have to walk 45 minutes through the bush along the shore or take the short cut 25 minutes across the ice. Certainly don't want to run into these guys. They are big!
I don't believe there has ever been a documented wolf attack on a healthy human. They are smart as well as beautiful. I owned one once and have run into them when I lived in Ak...........always from a distance though.........Where are you?My Blog
"documented wolf attack on a healthy human". The joke around here is because there is nothing left of you afterwards - you just disappear :)
Where are you?Eastern Manitoba at the Ontario border. Last year conservation was doing a study on them as their population seems to have exploded over the last decade.
Great picture!
Small wheel turn by the fire and rod, big wheel turn by the grace of god.
Nothing like a pack of top-tier wild predators in your midst to help you feel 'connected' in your environs, ey?
Do you hear them howling at times?
One of my all time favorite movies--Never Cry Wolf--Farley Mowat.
"Do you hear them howling at times?"
Yes - last fall we heard them howling -really erie. Then about an hour later a large newfie/lab cross we didn't know showed up on our doorstep very happy to see people. Obviously had been chased. My brother, who lives there year round (we are only part timers) told me last week, about all the paw prints he came across - bigger than his hands. He took this picture from his front window.
A couple of years ago, my husband was out back peeling the bark off a downed white pine, when out of the bush came a deer flying through with 2 wolves right on her tail abaout 20 feet from where he was. His presence broke up the chase. The larger of the wolves stalked around him for a minute or two before slinking off. Hubby came running back asking for a scotch - @ 11:00 am. Scared the heck out of him.
Your Hubby was just looking for an excuse to have a drink. The wolves most likely weren't stalking him as they were looking for an easy retreat. The newfie/lab on the other hand probably had the right idea! I wouldn't suggest bringing a new pup to the cabin.
I've had the pleasure of having a 3/4 mix hybred wolf decide she liked me. Sitting among the owners she walked up and set her chin on my forearm as I sat in a folding chair. I asked if I should pet her head, he said yes, then said he'd never seen her do that!
He admitted that after I petted her head. It was my right arm, I ever so slowly reached over and took my beer can into my left hand. I wasn't about to tell that wolf mom that I liked to drink right handed. She sat and gurgled on my arm for about 45 minutes, then got up and trotted off.
That's when the owners told me they'd never seen her get so close to anyone but the husband. Even the wife had never been so close to her. Thay had a pack of 3 on 20 acres, 5 of which were fenced in with a low fence. The wolves simply jumped the fence to hunt. They were well fed at home, but couldn't resist the deer in the field.
The whole property was fenced with a tall fence and they were certainly "outdoor pets". I know 3/4 isn't full blood, but try to have one rest her chin on your forearm and rationalize that thought! Vic
I would let patting a timberwolf fall into the "don't try this at home" category. We has a pet silver fox for 2 years that ate from our hands, follow me if I went for a walk & usually just sat around enjoying the company...but we never tried to pat her.
Agreed. The guy told me later that he was a s curious as I was! Said she'd never got that close to anyone aside from him or his wife. And she'd only sat at his feet on the rare occasion, never rested her chim on his arm like that. But, she was giving that low growl, appearantly a good sign.
I'm a right handed beer drinker, so ever so slowly I reached across and took the can in my left hand. That's when he said to go ahead and as slow as possible more my left hand back and pat the head right between the ears. I did, and the good growls got deeper. Not louder, but felt deeper and more relaxed.
If he had bothered to mention that he'd never done this particular experiment before, I'm not so sure I would have followed through as I was fairly sober at the moment! One of the most interresting experiences of my life. Vic
totally awesome
priceless view!
I have to go along with everybody and just say it. Very very cool!
That is a cool picture.
It would make a great background for the computer screen.
I love the wildness of the place and that fact that wolves still roam free.
I have to give credit to my brother who took it.