A friend can’t find her favorite boots any more & I told her I’d ask here for some suggestions. She is a telephone line woman & this is what she said about what she wants …………….
…….. “What I really need right now is a good steel-toed boot. The best I ever found and can’t find again is a construction boot by Catapillar. Nice high top, 2″ heel, with really soft leather that made squatting real comfortable. No steel shank but I can live with that. I dont climb as much as I squat these days. Got any good sites on work boots? yvonne” …………
I thought you might be able to her her out.
That's why I always wake up screaming.
I'd start with Red Wing http://www.redwingshoes.com/ ........ lots of styles, wear extremely well, good support, and once broken in, very comfortable. They can be factory resoled and fwiw, still made in the US although some of their work shoe line are imports. The website should give her some ideas and also a location of a store near her. The boot lines aren't inexpensive but I've found you get what you pay for- they easily outlast most other brands I've tried (I'm really hard on footwear). Chippewa is another brand to look at- well made but for me not as comfortable as Red Wing. http://www.chippewaboots.com/boots/boots.asp?sdiv=04&sgender=4&stype=287&find=true&Safety+Toe=YES&perpage=6 Carolina is a good boot but imho not as good as Red Wing or Chippewa but they generally cost less. http://www.carolinashoe.com/ Wolverine Durashocks are comfy but didn't hold up well for me. http://www.wolverinebootsandshoes.com/ Caterpillar Boots are still around- there are quite a few online vendors
Edited 3/2/2008 1:13 pm ET by jc21
Thanks to you all for the great links. I'll pass them on to Yvonne. I hate it when you finally find the right pair of boots & then they stop making them. I have two extra pairs of motorcycle boots on the shelf just in case - took me forever to find them the first time & I want to make sure I always have a pair ;-)Bobbi
>> They can be factory resoled <<
How does that work? Do you send 'em in to the mfg or do you take 'em back to the store where you got them and they send them in? I've got some Redwings that are due for a "re-tread".
I took them back to the store and he sent them off. Last pair was a few years ago .......... I've been a bit of a slacker about oiling the uppers on my current pairs so it will be new next time around.
Don't forget, bring your red wings back to the store and they'll oil them and replace the laces for free, for life! buic
No answers, but I'm interested in the same thing. My office girl has recently volunteered to work a few days in the field, and surprise of surprises, she's turned into one of the best helper / trainees I've ever had. I told her if she keeps it up, I'd buy her some workboots (according to one of my trade journals I'm actually required by law to supply steel toed work boots as a part of regular safety equipment to my employees).
Incidentally, MY favorite workboot is by Caterpillar (I have 3 pairs, in various stages of dissolution), and I was dismayed to find recently that its been discontinued!
Hi Bobbi,
Ariat boots are extremely comfortable, robust, and comparatively lightweight. They come in a pretty good range of sizes:
(They've got motorsports boots, too -- been out on your bike yet this year? :^))
Good hunting to your friend,
(They've got motorsports boots, too -- been out on your bike yet this year? :^))
*************NO & it's Bike Week & I am feeling quite crabby about it too. I need to get some carb work done & new tires but am still pouring every dime & then some into my house. I'm almost - not quite but almost desperate enough to go for the 'dress like a hooker & pretend you are stupid' method of getting your bike fixed <lol> :=(
pictures please. ;-)
They can't get your Goat if you don't tell them where it is hidden.
pictures please. ;-)
***************Hopefully there will be NO blackmail pictures ;-) Bobbi
"NO & it's Bike Week & I am feeling quite crabby about it too. I need to get some carb work done & new tires but am still pouring every dime & then some into my house. I'm almost - not quite but almost desperate enough to go for the 'dress like a hooker & pretend you are stupid' method of getting your bike fixed <lol> :=("You get exhaust burns in the darnedest places dressing like that . . . ;^)I guess I should look on the upside of all the ice and snow that remains up here. My bike is serving as a nice jacket rack out in the garage and I'm good with that.:^)Have you day-glo painted your house yet? soj
(but I digress.)
I guess I should look on the upside of all the ice and snow that remains up here. My bike is serving as a nice jacket rack out in the garage and I'm good with that.No snow here ;-) Might want to come down one year ;-) Have you day-glo painted your house yet? Not yet. I did 'mention' to some prospective buyers of evil neighbors house that the neighborhood pond floods that house when it rains. Well, it did -- once -- in 1987 :-) Bobbi
wal mart... has that brand... and i wear boots from there everyday (steel toed black work shoes now) but i have the same thing in a boot... less than $20 and they serve me well... she might have to buy a guys shoe but heck she's a lineman :)
hmmm maybe i'll get stacy some... she aready looks good in my ride'n chaps
Here - the power company buys it's field personell Redwings.
wally world and academy sport also sell that brand, I myself have to buy off internet due to nobody carry my size.
Mine are LaCrosse, which were comfortable from the first day. I don't think they are "women's" work boots, though I know LaCrosse does make workboots for women.
I think I paid about $150.
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
Mine are LaCrosse, which were comfortable from the first day. I don't think they are "women's" work boots, though I know LaCrosse does make workboots for women. Thanks for the suggestion. I think she has a hard time with the men's boots being too wide for her but hopefully one of these will work for her. I appreciate it Bobbi
They do make some really nice Women's boots. The cool thing about being able to wear men's boots (with thick socks) you can get the smaller sizes for a good price on clearance.
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
The cool thing about being able to wear men's boots (with thick socks) you can get the smaller sizes for a good price on clearance.
************I agree. Clearance prices are always best ;-)Bobbi
Bobbi you might try Danner Boots in Portland Or. Vibram soles. womens sizes,made in USA. I have had bad luck with Carolina (soles fall apart in 3-4 months also they are mens shoes sold as womens bought the wolverine steel toe - nice shoe ,fits well, sole stinks - no support like walking around in slippers.Used to buy from Knapp shoes ( all imported junk now).I wish you luck,I'm still searching.
I've been wearing Danners for years - great boots, lots of widths, easy to re-sole (Vibrams) and they have women's sizes - most of my female work partners wear Danners as well. My current pair has four+ years and is on their third soles.
I've been wearing Danners for years - great boots, lots of widths, easy to re-sole (Vibrams) and they have women's sizes - most of my female work partners wear Danners as well. My current pair has four+ years and is on their third soles.
******************THanks :-) I'll pass this on.Bobbi
try Danner?
"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing..."
I passed on the Danner info. She should have lots of choices now. In fact I'm wanting a pair too just because :-)Bobbi
Most everybody who needs real boots out here seems to have a pair of Danner's.
They recently rec'd a multi-million $ contract to provide a 'hot boot' for hot weather to the military.
I have a pair of 'longhorns' which are a 6" slip on work boot. "Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing..."
I love a woman in Whites Boots. many styles, some specifically for line workers and whatnot. About $375 for basic boots, but awfully comfortable....and she'll look like a million bucks!
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Beer was created so carpenters wouldn't rule the world.
Edited 3/3/2008 5:23 pm ET by IdahoDon
I love a woman in Whites Boots. many styles, some specifically for line workers and whatnot. About $375 for basic boots, but awfully comfortable....and she'll look like a million bucks!
****************** Thanks!! I'll tell her right away. Yes, it is very important that we look like a million bucks in our boots. Good to see someone appreciate that ;-)Bobbi
Here are more color choices.
When I started floor sanding with my own equipment in about the year 1952 I worked very hard hoping to succed in an occupation that I really enjoyed. I began 10 and 12 hour days and most of the work involves pushing the big sander forward for about 30 seconds and then backwards for 30 seconds. The machine weighs 230 pounds and I weighed about 150 then.
Well, after a few weeks DW noticed that my socks were always bloody. After a time we decided I should try to get a really good pair of shoes. I ended up with a pair of Red Wings that I think they called carpenters shoes. They were really good for that job and the first day without breaking them in my toes quit bleeding. I always replaced them with the same model right up to the day I retired. I didn't think I needed them any more so I went back to cheapies and after a few more years my feet told me to go back to Red Wings. So I did and lived happily ever after. [ But that's not a fairytale.]
However, I don't have any idea what they sell in ladies boots but in men's they do have a lot of options.
Thanks everyone for all the input. I've passed it all on. I don't know if Yvonne has found a pair she wants but I've found lots :-) Although I can't quite imagine a pink pair of boots LOLBobbi
Try Skechers Women’s Workshire Peril Steel Toe Work Boot, they are nice and comfortable . I have seen good reviews who are actually wearing them. Feet are well protected in these boots and Keeps feet dry in all weather. These are by far the most feminine looking, and the fit is perfect.