A few years ago, my friend Don (the roofer) said he liked my airless spray equipment, would I go with him to buy something like it for maintaining his rental property. So we went, and he got the next smaller Binks pump below my rig. That afternoon I saw him at the local coffe shop… with the Binks in the back of his pickup. I said: Don, you better get a chain and lock that sprayer to your ladder rack before someone steals it. He said: No problem, It’s going straight to my warehouse from here. A few weeks later, roofing was slow, so he sends a couple of his crew over to paint one of his rental houses… Using the spray rig for the first time. They started with spraying the eaves & soffets of the 2 story house first. They had been working about an hour when the guy spraying had the gun snatched out of his hand. It darn near yanked him off the ladder as well. All they could do is just stand there in awe as the beat up station wagon sped away with their new $3000. Binks pump in the back. Stolen right out from under them, you might say. The theives just pulled over to the curb, grabbed the pump and threw it in the back… and huled trailing 50 feet of hose and a Wagner G-10 gun with a Titan tip down the street. I finished painting the house for him in exchange for a roof job. He never bought another spray rig. |
A few years ago, my friend Don (the roofer) said he liked my airless spray equipment, would I go with him to buy something like it for maintaining his rental property. So we went, and he got the next smaller Binks pump below my rig. That afternoon I saw him at the local coffe shop... with the Binks in the back of his pickup. I said: Don, you better get a chain and lock that sprayer to your ladder rack before someone steals it. He said: No problem, It's going straight to my warehouse from here. A few weeks later, roofing was slow, so he sends a couple of his crew over to paint one of his rental houses... Using the spray rig for the first time. They started with spraying the eaves & soffets of the 2 story house first. They had been working about an hour when the guy spraying had the gun snatched out of his hand. It darn near yanked him off the ladder as well. All they could do is just stand there in awe as the beat up station wagon sped away with their new $3000. Binks pump in the back. Stolen right out from under them, you might say. The theives just pulled over to the curb, grabbed the pump and threw it in the back... and huled #### trailing 50 feet of hose and a Wagner G-10 gun with a Titan tip down the street. I finished painting the house for him in exchange for a roof job. He never bought another spray rig.
I own and operate a repair shop and am a authorized service center status for many of the tools that you all are talking about. And, there is one common thing with all tool manufactures and that is all of them have good tools that are well made and all have tools that are junk and sometimes one of the good tools will get bad parts and won't be worth a tinkers dang. Although there are some tool manufactures that pay more attension to detail, none of them do it all the time. Also, most all of the tools that are made by which ever company and they have there name on it does not follow that they made it. It just means that there name is on it and that is true with all of the companys. thats not saying that all of their tools are made by some shadow company, just some. Now the parts that go into the tools, there is olny so many companys in the US that make switches/motors/gears ect. so guess what, thats right makita buys from the same company that bosch and some of the other companys buy from just the same as I buy from these companys. so when it comes down to buying a tool get the most for the buck and make sure that it can be repaired in your area.
I'm guessing the Italian is still mad at you. :)
Whale Oil Beef Hooked.