Here’s a stand that I built for my basement workshop. The main feature is that the saw sits in an 8′ track and can slide back and forth. I have limited space in the basement, so if I need more room on one side or the other, depending on what I’m cutting, I just slide the saw. I also have a few “accessories” to fit in the track. There’s a block I can use to help support long pieces of lumber, and also a “stopper” I can clamp to the track for quick repetitive cuts. The track sits on a frame that can be used to store lumber. If I need to work outside, the track comes off as one unit by removing 3 or 4 screws, and then I can set it outside on saw horses.
So what’s wrong with this saw stand? Well, for starters, the saw sitting on top of it is the $80 Home Depot special. Hopefully this contest will change that!