Every tile job is different, but they start the same way: setting up shop, and prepping the area for installation. Here’s a pre-work checklist to keep in mind for your next tile installation.
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If you’re working in a finished house, don’t risk setting up the wet saw inside. Putting the saw outside or in the garage may mean more walking, but it also eliminates the chance of water damage to the floor.
If tile is being installed around a finished tub, over a vanity, as a kitchen backsplash, or in another sensitive area, cover both the finished surfaces and floor with protective film. EconoRunner is an excellent choice.
Furniture, appliances, or fixtures that can’t be moved should be covered with a drop cloth to eliminate the chance of an errant blob of thinset or grout ruining everybody’s day.
When preparing to install tile around switches and outlets, cut the power to the circuit, and then loosen the screws on the fixtures and pull them out of their boxes slightly so that you can tile behind them.
If the tile will go around any windows, remove the apron molding from below the stool. This eliminates complicated cuts and leaves a cleaner finished look.
Lastly, and most importantly, know your tile. Tiles and their recommended installation practices vary widely from brand to brand, and from tile to tile. If the tile comes with instructions, read them. They might mean the difference between an easy job and a nightmare installation.
Zoning ordinances attempt to tackle housing shortages and affordability by allowing designs that increase density, but with new regulations come some challenges.
The designer and builder of the 2018 Fine Homebuilding House detail why they chose mineral-wool batts and high-density boards for all of their insulation needs.
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