Keep Water Out or Nothing Else Matters: Focus on Roofing
Remodeling expert Mike Guertin demonstrates reliable details for building a weathertight roof–arguably the most important and challenging part of any home construction project.
Roof flashing fundamentals and underlayment detailing take on added importance when building high performance homes and retrofitting old homes. Even small and intermittent leaks can result in costly damage to roof sheathing and framing. Mike Guertin will look at reliable details for critical roof flashings – and how exterior continuous insulation and rain-screen gaps impact the way flashings are designed and installed.
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View Comments
This is addressing exactly the conversation/argument I was mediating between my siding guy and the builder. I’ve got a rain screen over top of exterior XPS foam board and we could not agree on how to install the sidewall flashing on a gable-end and roof intersection- especially the kick out flashing at the fascia. In this presentation slides 60-63 show a great solution.
Question- the pictures on those slides appear to show the kick out flashing “pushed” into the foam exterior. How is that joint sealed? With a call out some sort?
Thanks in advance.