I am looking for some old plumbers gear that I know as ‘Plumbers rollers’ or ‘formers’.
These were the gizmos used to make guttering, flashings, downpipes etc. All the weird and neat tin shapes could be made on site.
I want to make a few things out of tin at home and while i can do a lot with blocks and a hammer there is a limit. If anyone knows if these things are available, exist second hand or whatever I would appreciate it.
Everything, 100% of it, depends on how you look at it.
Are you talking about something like this?
Thanks Bill
I knew such a tool existed but had no idea what one even looked like. Now I will check out ebay etc and see what I can find.
Quite a remarkable gizmo. I didnt realise they were so versatile.
Everything, 100% of it, depends on how you look at it.