Im currently building an entry way with a covered covered porch the roof also doubles as a deck on the 2nd floor. What are my options for contructing both a water tight roof but also a deck. Is dex-o-trex an elstomeric product appropriate for the Maine climate, saltwater and cold winters?
In the typical Canadian way I can answer positively ......Maybe.
How will the contractor attach the membrane to the existing wall/roof or whatever?
Is the product designed for that use? What is the projected life span? You get the idea.
I live in a moderate climate (think of a slightly warmer Seattle) with high salt water atmosphere, lots of rain & some snow, and lots of high UV summer. I am very careful what I recommend for people's decks, never mind for a deck doubling as a roof! I did see an article in "This old House" about this type of problem, a few months back. Check out your library.
"Piffin" knows your climate and building materials, and "ProDek" builds decks for a living, in my area. Ask them the question.
Aaron the Handyman
I don't know this particular product.
When I want a good deck roof, I have EPDM glued down and then lay sleepers of 2x4 PT over it with a doubled loose piece for cushion. Then I fasten the deck walking surface to them, be it pau lope, fir, or Trex. Be sure to use fasteners short enough to not puncture the membrane and you have a lifetime roof.Excellence is its own reward!
Hi piffin, nice to talk to you again.
Remember, the post was not for me, but in reply. I just used you as a reference for the "chickenlegs" posting since you live in the same general area.
Keep well
Aaron the Handyman
I just hit the wrong reply button.
BTW, My daughter had the nickname Chickenlegs for a few years
(and she'd kill me for telling)Excellence is its own reward!
Thanks for the reply. What are you referring to by EPDM? Is this a rubber membrane? Do you glue the p.t. spacers to the membrane or allow deck to float as a unit.
Also I'm wondering have you seen a product being used for high traffic commercial floor applications. It looks like a sprayed on product, much like rhino hide? If so what is it?
I think it stands for Ethyl Prople Diene Monimer or something lioke that. Yes, it is a rubber roof membrane. Samples look exactly like rubber inner tubes. It is better than torch down modified roll roofing.
I have little experience with the newer generation of liquyid roof membranes.
Spoecifics about deck:
I use scraps of the EPDM about six inches wide. I get some caulk specified for EPDM from the roofer that instals it and use dabs of it to tack the strips down.
I use the same caulk to dab the PT sleepers to the strips. All this is to provide a floating membrane to stop load stresses from hurting the membrane and stop building movement from stressing the roof. It is a sacrificial friction layer between the sleepers and the roof.
The dabs of caulk are not intended to hold down the deck against wind uplift. If you are in a tornado or hurricane zone, You need to use metal strapping at the edges to hold the sleeprs down. The caulk is just to position them while you place and fasten the deck boards.Excellence is its own reward!
Thanks again for the great advice. Will keep you posted on how the project goes.
I have seen an inyteresting product that addresses this issue from a different direction, though I can't remember the company that makes it. Anyway, the product is a series of long curved metal troughs that are hung under an open plank deck to catch the moisture and drain it away to a perimeter gutter sysyem. This way you can build a standard deck and still have a dry area under it. It looks pretty nice too. If I think of the company I will post it. I have also built several decks-on-roof with the EPDM and floating stringers that worked pretty well. You may want to make the deck in sections however, so you can have access to the roof without having to dismantle the whole thing ( for repairs, cleaning, remodeling, or whatever).
Check out duradek at I love the stuff for that purpose