Another discussion has guidelines on dense-pack cellulose in a typical
wall. I have a variation on theme and not sure what details might change.
The wall separating our garage and basement (a workshop and a storage room
and a hallway) is the thickness of a 2 x 10, but is framed with two sets of
2 x 4’s w/ a 2 1/2″ space be/t. Framed this way because all utilities enter
on this wall, and it gave the wires and plumbing room to run w/o drilling
holes. Garage has no garage doors–just drive-in openings. Weather is North
Carolina mountains.
So, what’s preferred here: dense-pack cellulose or pink stuff or other? If
DP, then what modifications to DP instructions because of the openness of
the framing (not having “uniform six-sided boxes”)?
Also, will 1/2″ sheetrock on 16″ centers hold DP?
Thanks, I’m learning a lot.
Another discussion has guidelines on dense-pack cellulose in a typical
wall. I have a variation on theme and not sure what details might change.
The wall separating our garage and basement (a workshop and a storage room
and a hallway) is the thickness of a 2 x 10, but is framed with two sets of
2 x 4's w/ a 2 1/2" space be/t. Framed this way because all utilities enter
on this wall, and it gave the wires and plumbing room to run w/o drilling
holes. Garage has no garage doors--just drive-in openings. Weather is North
Carolina mountains.
So, what's preferred here: dense-pack cellulose or pink stuff or other? If
DP, then what modifications to DP instructions because of the openness of
the framing (not having "uniform six-sided boxes")?
Also, will 1/2" sheetrock on 16" centers hold DP?
Thanks, I'm learning a lot.