I have a chance to wire a house, which I can do fine, but haven’t a clue as to how to estimate costs for the homeowner. I’m thinking there must be a per square foot cost I can use for basic wiring, not including fixtures. Any suggestions?
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Estimating on a square foot basis is OK as a very rough approximation, but it's not accurate or fair unless you're doing a whole bunch of very similar houses that you can model easily. A better method is to tally all the outlets by type (eg. switch, recepticle, dryer, stove...) and quantify each with a number such as $25/switch. Add to that costs for the big stuff like panel, meter base and the like. Figure in all the lighting fixtures you'll install (such as ceiling cans) and you can get a lot closer than a per square foot estimate. I realize this is more cumbersome, but I don't know any better method.
Good luck!
I have a chance to wire a house, which I can do fine, but haven't a clue as to how to estimate costs for the homeowner. I'm thinking there must be a per square foot cost I can use for basic wiring, not including fixtures. Any suggestions?