I’m looking to add a ridge vent to an existing roof above my garage that’s about to be closed up with drywall and installation. FYI – I have plenty of soffit vents to start the upward airflow.
Does the following site explain it well enough? Anything missing?
just cut a hole, cant be any more simplier
Thanks for the answer.
Now what about my ridge vent, is this guy's method right?
Looks like a pretty good primer. Use your junkiest circular saw and plan to dispose of the blades when you are through. Wear good goggles, cut with the wind at your back, and use 3 inch nails to secure the vent. Cutting the vent cap shingles takes some additional advice, call if you need any.
Do you have to put shingles on top? My shingles are fairly dark and I think black would look fine on it.
Do you have to put shingles on top?
Only if you use a shingle over ridge vent.
Ridge vents are made in both flavors. Some for shingle aplication over them, some not. Most are using the shingle over type now because the old standard aluminum ridge vents stood out like a sore thumb. With the single over type it blends into the existig roof,.. i.e. no racing stripe down the ridge cause it's all the same color.
Yeah, probably. The stuff in the pictures comes in sections and there would be a vertical seam where each section butts into the next. If you don't shingle over the vent, you'll have leaks at the joints