Here’s a tip for matching caulking color to plastic laminates or other counter surfaces. While caulk is becoming available in more colors, they aren’t always the colors that I need. When this happens, I get a small tube of white latex caulk, cut open its back end, and remove the caulk with a long, narrow strip of plastic laminate or some other thin, sturdy stir stick.
I put the caulk in a plastic drinking cup and get out my watercolor set. With a small brush and a cup of water to moisten the color cakes, I go to work adding the appropriate colors to the caulk. I thoroughly mix the caulk and the watercolors, taking care not to add too much water to the mix. That mistake will make it too runny to form a nice bead.
The caulk will dry darker than it appears in the cup, so I allow some test patches to dry on a neutral surface for a color check before I pack the caulk back into the tube for application. I find this adds a subtle polished touch, if done properly.
Jim Laybourn, Jackson, WY