Build a Tool Shed Series: Landscaping Completes the Look
For this video, Rick enlists the folks at Fine Gardening Magazine. Learn how top-notch techniques from landscaping professionals completes the cottage look.
The experts over at Fine Gardening help out in this episode of How to Build a Tool Shed. Landscaping is an important part of any build because they act as shadows and accents to the shed design. Although the landscape around the shed is not incredibly important to the structural integrity of the shed, it will definitely produce a few compliments from passing heads. The Fine Gardening team in this video bring up specific points that are important to note in all building endeavors where landscaping is involved (all of them). You must always consider the environment your build is in. The shed’s proximity to the forest means that the plants chosen must be picked with consideration of the animals that are nearby, as well as how much sunlight these plants would get given the amount of shade covering the shed. Landscaping around your shed will add another dimension to your build, but it is important to select your vegetation wisely.
Videos in the Series
Introduction: How to Build a Simple but Sturdy Tool Shed
Build a Tool Shed Series: Install a Block Foundation
Shed Floor Framing Basics
Build a Tool Shed Series: Building a Gable-End Wall, Pt. 1
Build a Tool Shed Series: Building a Gable-End Wall, Pt. 2
Build a Tool Shed Series: Building the Bearing Walls
Build a Tool Shed Series: Build the Roof (Part 1)
Build a Tool Shed Series: Build the Roof (Part 2)
Installing Trim on a Simple Tool Shed
Build a Tool Shed Series: Installing Windows and Doors
Build a Tool Shed Series: Installing Lap and Shingle Siding
Build a Tool Shed Series: Install Architectural Shingles
Build a Tool Shed Series: Foundation System
Build a Tool Shed Series: Siding Options
Build a Tool Shed Series: Accessorize Your Shed
Build a Tool Shed Series: Shelving and Storage Options
Build a Tool Shed Series: Landscaping Completes the Look
Shortcuts to a Shed