Does anyone have any advice on how to span a 24′ wide ceiling with no central support? The ceiling will have 1/2″ gwb, R-30 insulation and a gable roof over it with a 4/12 pitch and no useable storage area in the attic. I figure a 10-20 PSF dead load is all it needs to support. I was thinking about 9 1/2″ I-joists (IPI 300’s will support 26 lbs/ LF). Anyone have any experience?
Is this new construction or a retrofit?
What's gonna hold the roof up?
How tall is the attic area gonna be? Tall enough that something might get stored up there?
The 9.5" I-joists would be awfully thin at that span. And they require that the top flange be continually braced. Can't say as I think much about that idea.
I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable.
We use steel bar joists to span 40' with 300 psf total loads. If you have the wall to support it, steel is amazingly cheap. A powder actuated gun works great to attach anything to it.
PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
Sounds like an ideal call for roof trusses to me
Excellence is its own reward!
"Sounds like an ideal call for roof trusses to me"
Well, I didn't wanna be the one to say it, but................(-:
It would make a lot of difference if it was a remodel or if the roof is already there - Something he hasn't answered yet.
BTW - I was kinda disappointed that I didn't get a response from the "bull" story in the "About time for more jokes" thread. Did you miss that one, or just not have anything to say?Having control over myself is nearly as good as having control over others.
Don't remember, musta missed it.
Got a link? I'll go look....
Excellence is its own reward!
It's an addition-so it's new construction. The tops of the I-joists can be stabilized with 2x4's laid flat. The walls will support the roof, the ceiling joists will only support the ceiling and keep the walls from spreading apart under the gable roof. There's no attic storage space. I like the idea because it provides a nice flat, wide surface for sheetrock with no truss uplift problems.
Truss uplift is only a problem if you have inadequate ventilation, and interior partitions to deal with.
I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure.
done seen it now
gudt one!.
Excellence is its own reward!
Just for comparison, I span 24' w/ a 14" tji @ 12". But that's a bedroom floor and has 1.5" of gypcrete.