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Discussion Forum
- Access Panels
- New floor for finished basement
- plaster drywall or tape it ??
- framing
- Contractor Screwup….how to deal with
- Outfitting a Construction Van
- Door lock strike plates
- painting vinyl siding?
- PC Router Knob/nut
- Random wish list-add yours :-)
- Applying new OSB over old plywood sheath
- Range fan vent, how far horizontal??
- new home
- BCI or TJI Prices/ Spans?
- dimmer swtch for low/line voltage lights
- Roof Condensation in Mountain Climate
- State by State licensing info
- door butting jig pic for old pro
- skim over or paint over old raw plaster
- Nailing beveled cedar siding
- butting jig and door
- photos of homemade tools and jigs