Far From the Madding Crowd
This summer cottage in Maine features bare interior studs, aged nicely to a mellow golden brown, and plenty of spots where one can just be quiet and contemplative.
One of the things I like most about living in Maine is that the pace is different here. It’s slower, quieter and less harried. People like to come here because it’s different. There are still places where you don’t have wifi, cell connections are spotty or nonexistent, and you can actually hear birds, insects, or maybe even some … silence. This summer cottage on Penobscot Bay is such a place. A house designed to get away. Situated on the rocky shore overlooking the ocean, it is a classic place of escape from the madding crowd, to borrow the title of Thomas Hardy’s famous novel. The inside walls are just bare studs, aged nicely to a mellow golden brown, and there are plenty of spots where one can just be quiet and contemplative. The tiny little office in the corner, complete with classic radio and simple corner book shelf is an inviting place to relearn the art of being still, without the distractions of technology and noise. The living room features a stone fireplace, open rafters and a storage loft, accessible by a ladder. The house is a fine example of the architecture of “retreat” from the madding crowd …
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